Friends, the flagship event of ICA is here. For people that have attended before, they know how much fun it is. For people coming out first time, this is a celebration of all things INDIAN! At Kitchener City Hall! Come see and enjoy!
” India Canada Association of Waterloo Region, would like to invite you and your family & friends for our 10th South Asian Cultural Fair, popularly known as “MELA”, at Kitchener City Centre, 200 King Street West, Kitchener, on Saturday the 7th September 2013 from 12.00 noon to evening 8.00 p.m. This year, it would be India Canada Association’s 10th MELA in Waterloo Region.
ADMISSION IS FREE. Please see attached to this email, a colourful poster of MELA.
There will be variety of entertainment programs, such as, dance, music, songs, orchestra etc. There will also be bazaar, henna, Indian food etc., for cash. Local talents and artists, plus artists from Toronto, Mississauga and surrounding cities will showcase Indian traditional, classical and contemporary art forms through dance, music and songs.
Special attraction – Two hours non-stop performance by a troop from New York, that includes, Taalim Percussion and Kathak dance by Jin Won from New York.
You do not want to miss one of the biggest event of Waterloo Region, which is MELA. City of Kitchener is the biggest supporter and promoter of MELA, along with Rogers, Morell Kelly Law Firm as Platinum Sponsors and Malin Travel (inside Wal-Mart, Ira Needle Blvd.) and Transfers Café as Gold Sponsors.
Please mark 7th September 2013 in your calendar, as MELA day and come with your family and friends, to enjoy a day long entertainment bonanza. Please spread the word with your peers, colleagues, friends and as many as people in your database, so that, they would also get an opportunity to taste, see, hear and enthrall Indian art, music and culture, so as to encourage all volunteered Artists and Performers.
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